Hi! How can we help?
First steps Learn the first steps to set up the basic information about your store and get started with Stockagile
Catalog Learn how to create, edit and look up your products, packs and collections.
Inventory How to manage your products, stocks, purchases from suppliers, stores and warehouses.
Retail All about managing your stores, sales, cash closings, promotions and vouchers.
Ecommerce Learn how to manage which products you want to upload to your ecommerce sites and the sales you have made on them.
Manufacture Learn how to manage your manufacturing collections, raw material stocks and new product productions.
Wholesale How to manage wholesale sales to your customers, manage your delivery notes and configure your B2B ecommerce.
Analytics Everything you need to know about your business, shown in a very visual and intuitive way.
Invoicing How to generate, link and view invoices, proformas and quotes
Contacts Learn how to manage your company's contacts (customers, companies, suppliers, manufacturers, etc.).