Next we will see how to mass import products into Stockagile. Why is it important to follow the steps and make sure we don't leave anything out?
Importing products is essential to work in Stockagile with the correct data, and completing the excel template following the steps will make the work much easier afterwards, so that the products are correctly registered.
Import requirements
- The user must have the role of OWNER. To configure the user's role, go to Create or edit a user.
Steps to perform an import
- Go to the Catalog > Products module. Once inside, click on the "Import" button located at the top right.
- You will be redirected to a comprehensive summary of all imports. At the top right, click on the "New Import" button.
- A pop-up screen will appear asking if you want to import products or edit variants; click on "Import Products and Variants."
- Next, you will have the option to view and download the Excel template to edit and fill in the information.
- To be considered:
- It is very important to create a copy of the blank template, and fill in your copy.
- The first tab of the excel (instructions) shows some examples. The tab you have to fill in is the "blank template".
- It is necessary to delete the instruction lines 2 and 3 (the ones in yellow and red in case they are mandatory). Later you will see that there are other templates with examples, which you should also delete before importing the document.
- Make sure that cells containing values are formatted as numbersbut without any formula.
- Important if you have more than one location, identify well the location column that corresponds to each warehouse (each of these must have a column with its stock).
- To be considered:
- When you have the excel file ready you can"Select" or"drag the file". In case you have the wrong document, you can"Change file".
- Finally, when the document is correct, click on"upload file" (this process may take some time). Note that the accepted formats are only .xls and .xlsx, and it is very important to have only one sheet filled in and to remove from excel the other example sheets that appear.
- Validates the columns, checking that the excel columns match correctly with the Stockagile columns.
- Once you have completed everything, click on the"Select Columns" button that you will find by scrolling and they will be validated along with the product information.
- If errors appear, you will be notified with the reason why and a red exclamation point. You can go back to modify the details.
- To be considered:
- You may see a screen that tells you that there are categories, colors, variants, etc... that do not exist. This is normal, as you may not have defined all the variants before importing the excel.
- To be considered:
- When everything is correct, a message will appear, and you can start the import by clicking on the"Import" button.
- This may take a few seconds depending on the quantity. You will see a progress wheel, which will not stop spinning until all products are imported into Stockagile.
- Finally, a validation message will appear, and the import is complete.
NoteDepending on the size of the import, the waiting time may be shorter or longer. We can see how the import is progressing by means of the column "Number of product variants", which refers to the number of rows in the imported file (it may be necessary to refresh the screen).
- To view your imported products, go back to the Catalog > Products module.
- To edit the product, go inside the product, and scroll through the different tabs (overview, stock, details,...) and within each of these you can change the features you want.
- To download the import file in process, click on the line of the import you want to view, and in the following pop-up window, click on step 1.
Step 1 Import from Catalog > Products
Step 2 start a new import
Step 3 select "Import product and variants"
Step 4 pop-up screen for viewing and downloading template, and uploading file
Step 9 example of error message
Step 10 Correct product reading and import of the document
Pop-up window to download the file
Steps to edit product variants
- Go to the Catalog > Products module. Once inside, click on the "Import" button located at the top right.
- You will be redirected to a comprehensive summary of all imports. At the top right, click on the "New Import" button.
- A pop-up screen will appear asking if you want to import products or edit variants; click on "Edit Product Variants."
- Next, you will need to choose the identifier with which you want to find the product variants you want to update information for.
- The importer will open as usual, with the difference that you must have the information well defined and ensure that the identifier you have entered is correct.
- Proceed with the import as usual.
Step 3 select "Edit product variants"
Step 4 select the identifier
To be taken into account
- Fill in information with the"required" field for a correct import of the products.
- When filling in the information, the format of the cells must be plain text if they are text, and if they are numbers, use number format but no formulas.
- If you use the Stockagile template, you must delete row 2 and 3 in the excel, and verify that there is no other row with default information, since it is the explanation. Otherwise the program thinks they are products and will not let you import them.
- In Stockagile you always work with two variants, you can see how to define them at Create and edit variants such as sizes, sizes, colors or tastes.
- If you have several stores or warehouses, you must put different stock columns to which you must assign.
- The same product can have different prices depending on the rates (Wholesale Rate, Store Rate, Outlet Rate, France Store Rate,...) that have been previously defined. You can see how to define them in the section Create and edit price lists
- You can put different prices in the variants, it is a separate column (see Stockagile excel template).
- It is important to put the information in a very orderly fashion, with the codes so that the system can then assign a code per variant.
- We must check that a SKU or barcode is not duplicated in several products. You can also generate the codes within the same product in Stockagile once the import is done.
- In the last row we have the column"Images". You must enter the URL where you have the image hosted. If you don't have a URL, you can send us a ZIP file with all the images and the product code as the title in the file of each image to
- You cannot put asterisks.
- Special characters cannot be entered.
- Do not leave rows or columns empty or with incomplete information.
In case you want to import a lot of products, we recommend you to do it in quieter hours, or from another user that has the role to import products, as this process may take a long time, and would block other actions you are performing in Stockagile.
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