If you have the MANUFACTURE module, you can add stock by making a production thanks to the raw materials you have available.
Production requirements:
- You must have the raw material created, you can see how to create it in the following section How to create raw material.
- The raw material must be assigned to a product, you can see how to assign it in the section How to assign raw material to a product.
Steps to carry out a production:
- You must go to the left sidebar in the production module, and click on the Productions section.
- On the screen you will see the list of productions made, you can filter them according to their status or location.
- On the upper right hand side you must click on New Production Order.
- Fill in the required information in Details (season is essential) and click continue.
- A screen will appear where you can choose the products to be produced in two ways:
- With the search engine, and select the products and units.
- Click on the three dots next to the Produce Order button and the option to import an order from a sale made in the Wholesale module will appear.
- Then you will have the option to place the order, and in the Materials tab you will see the raw materials you need to produce the order.
- As soon as you have produced the order you can click on Produce Order and the stock will be added automatically.
Image step 5: Add products to the Production order
Image step 5: Produce order thanks to a sales order.
Image step 5: Select products to be produced with the search engine.
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