Stockagile allows introducing raw material, it will be used for productions.
In this section, we will only see how to create it but there is also the option to import a group of materials from an Excel file.
Requirements to be able to create raw material
- The user must have one of this roles: OWNER, SHOP MANAGER, WAREHOUSE MANAGER or PRODUCT EDITOR.
Steps to create a product in an advanced way in the Products section
- There are two ways to create a new raw material:
- If you create the new raw material in both the PRODUCTS and MATERIALS sections, you can use the SIMPLE CREATOR (first pop-up window) or the ADVANCED CREATOR (by clicking the option located at the bottom left, "You can also use the advanced creator").
- In both cases, to differentiate that you are creating raw material and not products, you must select “Raw Material,” located on the first screen of the ADVANCED CREATOR, "Product Information," or in the "Details" section of the raw material once it has already been created.
- It is possible that the raw material needs variants, like the products. In that case, you have to go to on the VARIANTS section to create color, size, scent, flavour, power, memory variants that are needed. The system allows you to pick two types of variants, one realted to the senses (color, scent), and the other related to size (size, measures). You need to create at least one variant for each type.
- Finally, after filling all the gaps, click on FINISH and it will appear a popup, asking you to create barcodes if you need them (whichever option you choose you can create or erase them after that)
Image step 3: "You can also use the advanced creator" - PRODUCT section
Imagen step 3: ADVANCED CREATOR - MATERIALS section
Image step 4: add VARIANTS to raw materials
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