SELL is the screen through which you make store sales. This screen allows you to sell your products to end customers and manage the different payment methods.
Requirements to be able to make a sale
- The user must have the role of OWNER, STORE MANAGER or STORE VENDOR. You can see the different types of roles in the section Create or edit a user.
- You have registered the products. You can follow the steps to create a product in the Create a product section.
- Have the cash register open. You can see how to open it in the section Opening the cash register.
Steps to make a sale
- Go to the SELL section from the side menu, located in the SHOPS module.
- You have 2 ways to search for products:
- Scanning the barcode of the product you want to add.
- Search for the product in the product finder located at the top left. You can search by code, name or barcode. As you type, the search engine will show you the products that match your text. Finally, click on one of the products. If it has variants, a window will open to choose which variant you want to select.
- When a product is added, it is added to the table in the center of the screen.
- For each item all users will be able to change the following aspects:
- Quantity: number of equal items purchased by the customer
- Name: you can edit the name of a product, but the change will only be reflected in this sale and in the associated documents (invoice, ticket...). Therefore, it is not a permanent change and the original name will not be modified.
- Discount: discount in % applied to this product.
- Price: you can edit the price manually. In case the final price is lower than the original, the original will be crossed out. In case the final price is higher, it will not be shown.
- ⚠️ Please note: if the product you are selling has a stock of 0 or negative stock, you will see a message in the product line with the message "Product out of stock" which you can click on and verify that the product is out of stock.
- Optionally, you can link this sale to an existing customer by searching by name, surname, telephone or email in the customer search engine at the top center. In case the customer does not exist, it has to be created, which can be done from the sale itself in the icon to the right of the customer search engine (👤+), or from the CONTACTS section(Create a new customer). The 👤+ icon is also used to edit a contact you have entered.
- Optionally you can add notes or comments.
- Once you have entered all the products in the sale you can proceed to checkout. To do this you have to click on one of the following 3 buttons:
- Pay: will switch you to the payment screen.
- Pay by card: will switch you to the pay screen and enter the total amount of the sale in the pay by card field.
- Pay cash: will switch you to the pay screen and enter the total amount of the sale in the pay cash field.
- Once in the payment screen, you will see all the available payment methods. These can be customized in the Create and edit payment methods section. Stockagile allows you to pay for the same sale using multiple payment methods.
- Once you have entered an amount equal to or greater than the sale price, the 5 buttons to finalize the sale will be enabled:
- Pay: the sale ends and no ticket will be printed.
- Ticket: ends the sale and prints the ticket of the sale we have just made.
- Gift ticket: finish the sale, print the ticket of the sale you have just made and open a pop-up window asking which items you want to print on the gift ticket. By default, all the items of the sale are printed on the gift ticket.
- Eco ticket: finalize the sale and send the ticket by email. This action is only enabled when the sale has been assigned to a customer with an email address.
- Echo gift ticket: finalize the sale, send the ticket by email and open a pop-up window asking which items you want to send in the gift ticket. This action is only enabled when the sale has been assigned to a customer with an email address.
Finally, you will see the final sale confirmation screen where you can:
New sale: will automatically start once the timer ends.
Cancel: you will remain on the current window with the summary of the sale.
Receipt: print the receipt.
Gift receipt: print a gift receipt for the sale.
View sale: view completed sale.
Image step 5: sales example
Image step 10: close sale
⚠️ Side note: In case your screen is small or you are working from a tablet, you will be presented with a numeric keyboard, allowing you to work without the need for another keyboard to open or be used. To do this, you should:
- Select the payment method your customer wishes to use.
- Enter the amount, either using the keyboard or your usual process.
- If paying with multiple payment methods, select the next payment method, and upon selecting the "magic wand," the remaining amount will be automatically assigned.
Numeric keyboard display
Step 1 and 2: select payment method and enter amount
Step 3: automatically assign the remaining amount to another payment method
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