Having gift cards is important, since you will be able to control the discounts you make and the payment methods of your customers. Digitally accounting these movements will help you to have a better control of the business.
Requirements to create a gift card
- The user must have the role of OWNER, STORE MANAGER, STORE VENDOR or PRODUCT EDITOR. You can see the different types of roles in the section Create or edit a user.
Please note: after the creation of gift cards, in order to use them as a payment method, it is necessary to sell them beforehand.
Steps to create a gift card
- Go to the side menu and go to the section VOUCHERS AND GIFT CARDS in the module SHOPS.
- Click on the top right button "+ Create gift card".
- To create the cards, the required fields must be filled in. In addition, it is essential to keep the box "Gift card" checked.
- Once the cards have been created, we will be able to see them in the list of products; however, they will not yet be displayed in the "VOUCHERS AND GIFT CARDS" section of the SHOPS module (to do so, they must first be sold).
Step 1: Shops module > Vouchers and Gift Cards
Step 2 and 3: fill in the required fields and mark "Gift card".
Step 4: view gift cards in the Catalog > Products list
Steps to use a gift card
- When a customer wants to buy a gift card, go to the"Sell" section and search the reference of the gift card already created (as if it were a product to be sold) and add the gift card to the sale.
- Enter the barcode that will be associated with it, which will be used to redeem the card later. It can be a "real" barcode, which you have in physical form, or any "random" code.
- Once the card has been sold, it will be displayed in the "Vouchers and Gift Cards" list of the STORES module as a sign that the card is already "Valid".
- Finally, when the customer wants to use the gift card to purchase other products, it must be used as a payment method.
- You will have to enter the previously entered code in the pop up that will appear when you click on the gift card logo, located next to the receipt, or by scanning the gift card code in case you have it.
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