"Packing" is a crucial phase in logistics management that refers to the process of packing and preparing products for shipment. Its main purpose is to ensure that items are packed safely and efficiently before transport. It plays a crucial role in customer satisfaction by ensuring that products arrive in optimal condition and within established delivery timelines.
With Stockagile, you can pack orders that you have prepared previously in the Picking module.
⚠️ Note: You'll find that the procedure is almost the same as Picking, but for any doubts, we recommend reading the steps to ensure nothing is missed.
Requirements to perform the packing of your orders
- The user must have the role of OWNER, STORE MANAGER, or WHOLESALE MANAGER. You can view the different roles in the section Create or edit a user.
Steps to perform the packing of your orders
- Go to the left sidebar in the INVENTORY section and click on PACKING.
- You will see a window with the following tabs:
- Pending: These are orders prepared previously in the PICKING section and ready to be packed.
In progress: Here you will find created packings that are:
- Pending to pack: created but not started.
- In progress: created and started.
- Packed: Orders that are packed and ready to ship.
- In the "Pending" tab, you will see a list with the following information:
- Delivery reference: delivery note of the order, as there may be cases where an order is divided into two or more delivery references.
- Picking: picking reference in which it was picked.
- Units: units of product variants that make up the order.
- Created on: when it was created, this will be the column that governs the ordering of orders.
- Location: location to which that order has been assigned.
- Order origin: channel/medium through which that order was created.
- Create: button to create packing orders.
- To pack, simply click on the "+ New packing order" button.
- A new window will open where you will see:
- Details: of the packing order. The "Assigned to" can be used to assign a person to that packing order, otherwise, it will be automatically assigned to the person who starts scanning the products.
List of products: product variants will appear per row and the actions you can take within this.
- Bulk edit: if you select all products at once, you can mark them as packed or pending to pack.
- Print delivery note: you can print the delivery note for the order if you haven't done so previously in the picking step.
- Order: reference of the order where that product variant is located.
- SKU: sku of the product variant.
- Brand: brand of the product variant.
- Category: product variant category.
- Variant 1: product variant 1.
- Variant 2: product variant 2.
- Box: here you will find the box where your product has been placed.
- Status: whether it is pending to be packed or already packed.
- To pack the packing order, you can:
- Scan the products.
- Click on the status and automatically change it to "Packed."
- Select the products and edit them massively to mark them as "Packed."
- Once you have finished marking the product variants as "Packed," click on the button at the top right that says "Finish."
- If you have picked up fewer units than estimated, a popup will appear notifying you that there are units missing to be packed. In case it was an error, you can check the box, and all units will be marked as "Packed." Otherwise, the unpacked product variants will be placed in a separate invoice, and you can manage them from another packing order. Once chosen, click on "Finish."
Step 1: Packing module
You can also filter by location in case it's needed
Step 5: pending to pack products list
Step 8: pop up window to confirm de units
Steps to mark the packing as Shipped
⚠️ Note: Once shipments are marked as shipped, they cannot be undone. To do this, you should go to the delivery reference or order (in each of its modules) and cancel the shipment. Nowadays, if you do that, the entire Picking and Packing process will be undone, and it will return to the "Pending" state.
- To manage the shipment, you have two options that will appear at the top right within the packing order once completed:
- Generate Sendcloud labels: If you have Sendcloud enabled, you can generate labels directly from there.
- Mark as shipped: On the contrary, you can mark it as shipped, and the order will be automatically updated.
- You can also mark them as shipped in the "Packed" list in the following ways:
- One by one, in the three dots at the end of each line, mark as shipped.
- Select a few, and in the bulk edit, mark as shipped.
Step 1: inside of a packing order pending to ship
Step 2: in the packed orders list and ready to ship
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