Stockagile allows you to search the stock you have in an agile way, to know the volume of products you have in your store or warehouse.
Requirements for searching and displaying stock:
- It is important to have a location created in the system (warehouse or store). You can see how to create a location in the section Create store or warehouse
- We must have created products. We can see how to create a store in the section How to create a product.
- It is recommended that we have created the categories and subcategories of the products. We can see how to create them in the section Create and edit categories and subcategories.
Steps and indications to search and visualize stocks:
- Go to the lateral menu and click on the button STOCK button in the INVENTORY section.
- A screen will appear where we have a main search engine and we can enter the product code or name.
- To the left of the search engine we have three lines, which, if we click on them, a menu will appear on the left side with the following search filters:
- Brand: We can search for products by brand.
- Categories: We can find the product according to its category.
- Subcategory: Filter according to the subcategories we have.
- Websites: Filter according to the ecommerce to which the products are linked.
- Cover image: Products with and without cover image.
- Only with/without stock: Allows us to filter products according to whether they have stock or not.
- Variants: Filter by size and by color.
- Supplier: Filter according to the supplier you have assigned the products.
- Stores: We can determine in which store or warehouse we want to search and display the stock.
- In addition, we can also resort to the following fields/filters to select: Stock pro below minimum, Active discount, Duplicate code, Never out of stock, Archived products.
- Stockagile always shows the stock of items in a table format, where the sizes are shown horizontally and the colors and locations vertically. In this way, in a single table we can see what quantity we have of each item, by size and color (in each warehouse or store).
- We can display the total stock (with or without distinction by warehouse), as well as by variants; specifically, we can display the total stock of a product in the first square at the top right of each product.
- When we have selected a product, we will have the option to modify the stock by clicking on "Edit stock (in blue) and we will finalize the edition by clicking on "Save changes".
**You can change the view of the screen by clicking on "Group by locations", so as to display the stocks in a table with the variants on the left side vertically and the locations on the right side horizontally.
- When we have negative products, the color red will appear.
- When we have a product that is in transit (pending arrival) it will appear in yellow.
- If the product is below the minimum stock, it will appear orange.
Point 2: Product finder
Item 3: Filter
Item 5: Total inventories
Point 6: Edit stock
"Group by location"
Example indicators (colors)
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