The SKU code, or "Stock Keeping Unit" code, is a unique set of numbers and letters associated with the variants of each product. These codes are generated by each company or vendor.
What the SKU is for
Its main function is to keep track and facilitate warehouse management. As it is unique for each product/variant, this way, we ensure a correct follow-up of our inventory.
How to generate a SKU code
To start generating SKU codes, it is important to "prepare" a basic structure beforehand to avoid headaches in the future. There is not just one correct structure; this structure varies according to the priorities and needs of each company.
SKUs should be unique and duplicates should be avoided; the more specific the SKU, the easier it will be to identify it.
An example of how to create it would be:
- To associate a meaning to a character or groups of characters.
- The first two-three characters could be letters, referring to the categories associated with the product.
- The following characters could refer to the subcategories, the others could be the product variants and finally the sequence number.
To avoid
- Use of letters that look like numbers, so we will not get confused and we will read the codes more easily.
- To use manufacturer or supplier codes, since the purpose of the SKUs is to internally manage the products with their variants and to dissociate themselves from the pre-established codes.
- Do not give a meaning to each category and do it without thinking.
- Poor strategy and planning. When we want to expand the catalog, we will have to create new codes and if we already have the SKUs well ordered/organized (taking into account a possible catalog expansion), it will not be complicated to create the new codes.
Uses of the SKU in our ecommerce
It can be of great help to increase SEO and ecommerce sales, as it streamlines the warehousing process. It allows you to track inventory, so you will have more control over the products. Through SKUs, we can analyze product cycle sales metrics, etc.
In short, it increases efficiency and order in the stock we have available online.
However, having excessive SKU codes or creating them with characters without any purpose/sense, will not allow us to enjoy the advantages mentioned above.
Steps to create or edit SKUs from Stockagile
- Go to the side menu and click on the PRODUCTS section in the CATALOG section.
- The list of products will appear; click on the product you want to modify.
- Once inside the product sheet, click on the VARIANTS section.
- From the VARIANTS section, we can modify the SKUs, or introduce them, if there were none before. We also have the option to load our SKU codes massively, through a product import, via Excel. See how to make an import: Import products with Excel .
Autogenerate SKUs from Stockagile
If we do not want to create the SKUs manually or through an import, we can also auto-generate them either from the mass edition or from the VARIANTS section of each product. When generating the SKUs using these two methods, the program will follow the template configured in the program settings (the same as with barcodes).
Figure 1: Generate SKU, section VARIANTS
Figure 2: Generate SKU, MASS EDITING
How to configure the SKU template (code autogeneration)
To configure the template that will follow the autogeneration of the SKUs, we will have to go to the program configuration and enter the "Barcodes" section.
Once inside this section, we can configure the SKU template, ordering the different fields/options available, from which they will be auto-generated, and we can also configure the length of the counter, referring to the "length" of the codes.
Figure 3: Template configuration (SKU)
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